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Landmark Entertainment to Launch World's First Virtual Reality Theme Park by 2018

The Landmark Entertainment Group, perhaps best known for creating some of Universal Studios' most beloved attractions including Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man and Terminator 2 3D, is looking to take the theme park experience up a notch.

The group's CEO Tony Christopher told Fortune Magazine that Landmark plans to launch the world's first mixed reality theme park — a combination of virtual reality and augmented reality — in China within the next three years.

The concept, known as L.I.V.E. Centre (Landmark Interactive Virtual Experience), involves entertainment elements including 3D, projection, surround sound, and special effects.

With the help of the aforementioned technolongy, the L.I.V.E. Centre will boast a handful of unprecedented attractions, including an interactive museum, a virtual zoo and aquarium, a digital art gallery and a live entertainment stage in addition to an immersive movie theater.

"With virtual reality we can put you in the African savannah or fly you into outer space," Christopher told Fortune. "This completely changes the idea of an old-fashioned museum by allowing kids to experience prehistoric dinosaurs or legendary creatures as we develop new experiences that keep them coming back for more. We’ll combine education and entertainment into one destination that’s always evolving."

Christopher cited China's massive consumer base as the reason Landmark is looking to debut its revolutionary theme park in Asia.

The long-term goal for the group is to have anywhere from 20 to 30 L.I.V.E. Centres established around the world, each attracting as many as five million visitors annually, per Christopher's estimate.

"What we're creating is the equivalent of taking your family to a theme park for a day, and enjoying that experience so much, that you want to repeat it over and over again — the only difference is that the experience will happen in the virtual world," Christopher told Fortune.

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